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    Enrique González

    Freelance developer specialized in web and mobile projects, located at Gijon (Asturias, Spain), programming projects anywhere and for everyone. After working for many years in software companies, since 2010 I am registered as self-employed.

Web projects

Developed with CMS like Wordpress or with custom programming with PHP (Symfony), Angular or Python.

Frontend & backend.

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Online shops made with CMS (Woocommerce, Prestashop, Magento) or custom programming

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Mobile apps

Native(iOS / Swift & Android / Java) and hybrid (Angular + Ionic Framework).

Also PWA with Angular.

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Some project types

  • Custom programming with PHP - Symfony 4, Angular or Python. I develop both the frontend and the backend, the whole project. Although I can also develop only one part, either frontend layout or anything else. Web projects, administration panels etc ... I have great knowledge of SEO and accessibility.
  • Wordpress, complete development, plugin creation, programming with Genesis or similar frameworks.
  • Installation and customization of online stores (Woocommerce, Prestashop, Magento).
  • Native and hybrid mobile apps for iOS and Android. Native developed with their native environments (xCode + Swift and Android Studio + Java) and hybrids with Angular + Ionic Framework. I also develop PWA projects in Angular.
  • Scripts in Python, for any type of task. I'm specialist in the API of Twitter and Facebook to perform bots, games or any other development.
  • Fix or complete any project made in the mentioned technologies or similar, that another programmer has left apart or has faults.
  • Migrations / conversions, updating websites, accessibility reviews WCAG AA, multi-language adaptations.
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I write about topics related to web and mobile development

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