

This is the content management system i use in web projects and apps. It has been programmed completely by me, currently is on version 2.0.

In Symfony projects, i use EasyAdmin too.

Main features:

  • You don't need to program anything, just modify configuration files to make it work.
  • If the content manager is already running and later you want to change the name or properties of the fields in any table, add or delete tables, etc..., simply modify a configuration file, so maintenance is very easy.
  • It can be translated to any language by modifying a single configuration file.
  • The system is based on Ajax and Javascript plugins. You can upload files, and make updates without reload the page. Furthermore, it only loads the plugins you need depending on your type of data.
  • It has many special types of data: date / time, Google Maps, linked comboboxes, etc...
  • It has additional modules such as user management, newsletters, photo viewer, exporting data, etc...
  • The system is xHTML + CSS + Javascript. Being a web application you can run it on any OS.

Usage requirements:

  • mysql or MSSQL database
  • PHP5 or greater