Presentation of the app Bus Gijon

img_0i786_400Last Friday was presented at the hall of the Municipality of Gijón the iPhone application "Gijón Bus".

Inxeniu company representative, Javier Prieto, made?the presentation, which was very well. At the event were present representatives of the Municipal Bus Gijón, and the PSOE candidate for Mayor of Gijón that took a picture with an iPad 2 running the app in his hand.

Despite i had tested the application on multiple Apple devices, i had not seen it running on an iPad 2 before, it worked perfectly including the augmented reality view.

I am glad by the great reception the app is getting and the excellent reviews in the Appstore comments area, although some users complain that it does not use Asturian place names, but i can not do anything about it, the app shows what it reads from Bus Gijon webservice.

  • Pepe Navarro
    09-06-2011 20:19
    Está muy bien, a ver cuando la versión iPad y Android
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